Hi Rocco:
So much to write. Where to start?
First Kramer. Interestingly Jim Kramer was recently interviewed for the AARP magazine. In his personal life he maintains a more conservative investment strategy of only actively investing 50% of his portfolio in stocks. The remainder he has in fixed income assets, gold etc. So while he plays the hedge fund guy he was, in reality for his family he plays it safe.
Spending when you don't have it is a big sign of immaturity just to impress your friends (in person and those on social media). Most people go through this stage but rapidly out grow it.
I disagree with your suggestion that you need to leave the country to live more cost effectively. In my travels for work, I've had the privilege to visit many communities across the country that would make a great place to live cheaply and experience a richer life with community and friends There are many towns in the Midwest for one that would welcome young people to move in and bring their skills and interests. Some include: Joplin MO, Spencer IA, Macon MO, Iowa City IA, Dubuque IA, Janesville WI among others. The advantages of staying in the country far outweigh the unknowns of living abroad.
Bottom line: you're right, live within your means and you'll be better off for sure!